
In 2011, two Transaction Consultant from abroad along with three Indian Bible Translation Consultants met in Bangalore, India to check the gospel of Luke in two minority languages.  But in the process, the two Indian men said, "Why is it that excellent translation principles are applied to India's minority languages, with thousands of speakers, while many state languages, with tens of millions of speakers, have Scriptures that are unclear to the average man?"  The five of us began to pray about this need. In this way was born a vision called TILL:  Translating for India's Leading Languages. We devoted two years to careful preparation.  We evaluated, with native speakers, the accuracy, clarity and naturalness of over forty Bible translations in twelve major languages. Our team did research, built relationships, listened and learned, in dialogue with agencies both national and international:  SIL, LCI, NLCI, IEM, BSI, FMPB, TWFTW, VBS, Wycliffe-India, and BCS/Operation Agape.  With this last group we did training and checking at two workshops in Nov 2015.  We launched the NOBO project with the knowledge and blessing of these groups. To read more about NOBO Bible project, please do visit www.nobobible.org

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